Iwan Takwin
Iwan Takwin
Iwan Takwin
Joining PT Jakpro since early 2016, Iwan Takwin, has contributed to the transformation of the development of the new face of the city of Jakarta. Under his previous leadership as Director of Development Projects, several iconic projects were completed and used by the community, including; bicycle racing facilities on the Jakarta International Velodrome track, electric-based public transportation LRT Jakarta Phase 1A Velodrome-Kelapa Gading Route, and the world's first Platinum level Green Building standard stadium; Jakarta International Stadium.
This man, born in Makassar in 1975, also served as President Director of PT Jakpro's subsidiary, namely PT Jakarta Solusi Lestari (JSL) in the 2021-2022 period, which focused on waste management (Intermediate Treatment Facility/ITF). This 1999 graduate of the Faculty of Engineering, Gajah Mada University (UGM), has more than 23 years of experience in the construction and architecture industry. Iwan also served as the Engineering Bureau of PT Wijaya Karya Tbk or WIKA. At that time, Iwan was appointed as Project Leader (Pimpro) for several strategic projects carried out by WIKA such as the project; Sultan Syarif Kasim II Airport, Pekanbaru Riau (Design & Build 2006), Adi Sucipto Airport, Jogjakarta (Design & Build 2006), Adi Sumarmo Airport, Solo (Design & Build 2007).
Apart from that, Iwan was also an architect at Surbana Jurong Consultant Pltd, which is one of the leading urban planning companies, based in Singapore. At this company, Iwan was involved in developing the Transit Oriented Development (TOD) design concept at Walini Station (High Speed Railway Jakarta-Bandung Project/KCIC) and Kerawang Station (High Speed Railway Jakarta-Bandung Project/KCIC).

Dian Takdir Badrsyah
Dian Takdir Badrsyah
Dian Takdir Badrsyah
Dian Takdir Badrsyah is an experienced figure in the construction business sector. This man, a graduate of Civil Engineering, Trisakti University class of 1994, had a career at PT Pandega Citra Niaga (Agung Podomoro Land) in 2016. Then, he continued his career as Director of Business Development at PT Penta Dinamika Properti, starting from 2016 – 2018.
Starting in 2019, Dian Takdir Badrsyah worked at PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB), first serving as Director of Regional Development at PT JMRB. Only since March 2022, Dian Takdir Badrsyah was appointed as Main Director of PT Jasamarga Related Business. JMRB is a subsidiary of PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk. Who operates in the property sector.
Since June 1 2023, through the Decree of Shareholders (KPPS) has decided to appoint and appoint Dian Takdir Badrsyah as Technical and Development Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda).

Solihin was appointed as Business Support Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) since 28 November 2022. Previously, he had experience in holding other strategic positions such as: Head of Jakpro's Finance and Accounting Division for the 2016-2018 period, Partner at a Public Accounting Firm and Director and Commissioner at several private company in 2017-2018, Director of Finance and Business Development of PT LRT Jakarta for the 2018-2019 period, and Finance Director of PT Jakarta Infrastruktur Propertindo for the 2019-2022 period. The man born in Jakarta, September 4 1967, has a background as a practitioner and expert in the fields of accounting, finance and corporate governance. Accounting alumni from the State College of Accountancy (STAN) also continued their Masters in Management studies at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) Business School

I Gede Adnyana T
I Gede Adnyana T
I Gede Adnyana T
I Gede Adi Adnyana has been the Business Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo (Perseroda) (Jakpro) since November 2022. Previously, he served as Senior Manager of Facilities, Sales and Operation Venue from June 2021 to November 2022. I Gede Adi Adnyana has approximately 26 years of experience in the Property and Developer Industry, especially in the fields of sales, promotion and marketing.
Before his career at Jakpro, I Gede Adi Adnyana was General Manager of Sales and Operations at PT Metro Perdana Trade Center (Metro Indah Mall), Bandung in January 2009 – March 2011. He then moved to Jakarta, specifically to PT. Jakarta Realty to become General Manager of Operations and spent around ten years of his career there, from March 2011 to June 2021.
This man, who has a hobby of reading and swimming, obtained a Bachelor's degree at Pancasila University, Public Civil Law study program. Then, I Gede Adi Adnyana took a Masters in Strategic Business at the PPM College of Business Management. Not only that, he also has several certificates, such as Lead Auditor ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&SMS) TUV Rheinland (CQI/IRCA), ISO 9001:2008, ISO 9001:2015, and others.
Based on this educational background and certification, I Gede Adi Adnyana has expertise in managerial fields, public civil law related to agreements, and strategic business. He is also known for his excellent communication skills, reflected in the way he negotiates and presents ideas, and has a leadership spirit by showing a good work ethic and is team-oriented.